Saturday, February 12, 2011

First internet donation!

Hooray!! I just got my first donation online! =D

So far, I had gotten donations in cash from my family members, but this is the first time someone has done so on the sponsorship website. Thanks so much, Lee Sammels from PMH!  \(^o^)/
 Also, I got sponsored by Suntec City in Singapore, my first company sponsorship! Thank you very much for your kind donation, it is greatly appreciated.

Today I'll be writing about Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, one of the 9 MD disorders. Dechenne (named after a French neurologist) is the most common MD that occurs in children so it's the first type that usually comes to mind when associated with sick kids. It's caused by mutations in the dystrophin gene, which is located on the X chromosome. It generally only affects males, but only girls if the father is afflicted and the mother is also a carrier or afflicted. These kids show signs of symptoms between the ages of 2 to 6 years old, including a decrease in muscle size (yet may appear larger), strength and control. Progress and severity of symptoms vary between individuals over time, with the arms, legs and spine most physically deformed. Some are mildly intellectually impaired. Most sufferers require a wheelchair by the age of 12. Severe respiratory and cardiac problemsusually mark the later stages of Duchenne's. Average life expectancy of sufferers varies from late teens to early 20's , although there have been rare cases of a few surviving to their 40''s.


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This is a blog about a challenging mountain trek for charity, loving living life and eating good food.

About Me

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Hello there!
This is my blog for Challenge MD! The Mont Blanc Trekking Challenge 2011! My name's Yvonne from WA, Aust.
I'm doing this trek at Mt Blanc to raise awareness and funds for Muscular Dystrophy sufferers.

But what's my motive?

Bcause I can.
